When you move, you have to think about a lot of things and, above all, know all the administrative procedures. This will ensure that you don’t find yourself off guard on a moving day. Of course, you not only have to manage all the administrative procedures but also the move itself. Not an easy task! Discover here the complete guide on the procedures related to your move.
Before the move
Most of the administrative procedures must be carried out before the day of the move, at the earliest, 3 months before the move.
1. Notify the owner and/or the trustee of the building
If you are a tenant, you are required to inform your landlord by mail of your departure and to set a date with him for the inventory. For an empty rental lease, the notice period is 3 months. The latter is reduced to one month in certain circumstances, such as a professional transfer, a first job, obtaining a new job, or obtaining social housing.
2. Ask for moving assistance
It is possible to request the payment of moving assistance, especially if you are a large family moving for lack of space in the current home. It should be noted that the amount and eligibility conditions vary according to each type of aid.
3. Tell your employer
If you are working, you must inform your employer of your new address. Indeed, this can have an impact on your possible travel allowances and the reimbursement of your transport card. Don’t forget to declare your change of address to several organizations at once on the government website.
4. Find a mover
To gain peace of mind, calling on a moving company is interesting, especially to insure your goods during transport. In particular, it offers tailor-made formulas and offers a full range of services ranging from vehicle rental, packaging of goods, and loading. Don’t forget to insure your new home and change your auto insurance address.
After the move
For the move, there are also administrative procedures to be carried out once installed.
1. Change the address of your gray card
Your gray card and your car insurance must be registered at the same address within one month after the move. This is mandatory, and you may risk a fine of up to €750 if you fail to do so. It is particularly important for:
- Change of address on the national identity card
- Passport
- Driving license.
It should be noted that it is no longer necessary to go to the prefecture. Everything is now to be done online and totally free.
2. Change the voter card
Once installed, go to the town hall of the new residence to make the change. This will take care of the removal of the old polling station. To do this, bring your identity card or original identity document with a document proving nationality.
Above all, try to make this change before December 31 of the current year to have access to the voting center in your new city of residence. However, if you don’t, it will still be up to you to vote, but in your former municipality.
3. Contact the company in charge of your move and make an inventory
If you have noticed any damage during the move, send a registered letter approximately ten days after the delivery of your furniture and boxes. Above all, be sure to specify the reservations you made on your delivery consignment note. Moving companies have compulsory civil liability insurance, which covers repairs. You will, therefore, not be compensated if you are responsible for the damage.
Final thoughts
Now you know everything about the administrative procedures before and after the move. Sound off in the comments section below, and tell us what you want to read next and if you want to read more about moving.