When you are moving, you know when and what to say to your friends, neighbors and family. But what about your employer?
A relocation is a life-changing event that will affect not only your life and your loved ones but also your current job position. So, here’s a guide to help you know how to tell your employer that you are moving.
Planning and Preparation
Whether you are planning to leave your current job position and relocate or move and keep your job, you need to plan well before you take any action. Planning is essential if you want to achieve your goals and priorities in the time you have available.
Once you’ve confirmed with yourself that you will be moving to another town, for example, you should prepare yourself to face your employer. Think about everything you will have to discuss with him and think about the answers to the questions he will ask you.
If you plan to resign, think of how you will break the news to your boss. Or, if you plan to move and work remotely, think about all the ways how you can convince your boss.
No matter what your decision will be, think about how you can communicate effectively with your boss and your coworkers. Make a list of all possibilities and prepare yourself mentally as anything could happen. For instance, your company might not approve your request to work remotely. Or, your boss could try convincing you not to move by providing incentives like a pay raise.
I’m Moving but I’m Not Quitting
When to Tell Your Employer?
In general, if you’ve been in a job for a long period of time, you should give at least 2-4 weeks’ notice when quitting the job. When you are planning to keep your job even when moving to another town or state, some believe that there shouldn’t be any advance notice. Wrong!
Although many companies now allow their workers to choose whether to work remotely or come in person, there are still many companies that disregard employees’ needs and wants. A majority of employees say that they are more productive when they work at home and yet several companies are scared of remote work. Employers refuse to let workers out of their sight and thus would force management to push them to return to their cubicles.
You might be planning to move and work remotely, but your employer may not agree with you. Other scenarios include your employer stonewalling you or simply ignoring your request. This could stall your moving process. Therefore, due to this uncertainty, it is better to confront your employer as soon as possible. Only then will you have enough time to come up with ideas to convince your employer to grant your request.
Consider Your Colleagues
Building meaningful relationships with your colleagues is important if you want to have a good work-life balance. When you feel connected and have the support of coworkers, it makes work more enjoyable. However, revealing your moving decision to your coworkers before even informing the HR department or your employer can be a dangerous move. Rumors can circulate which can strain trust between you and your employer. Of course, after informing your employer, you are free to discuss it with your coworkers.
In addition, once your employer has approved your request for working remotely, you might want to discuss it with your colleagues as you will have to rely on them for certain tasks during your moving process or when you’ll start working remotely.
I’m Moving and Resigning
The Advance Notice
Usually, for this kind of situation, there is an acceptable time frame. If you are leaving your current job place, make sure to give your boss at least two weeks of advance notice.
Tell Your Employer In-Person
If it is done within the acceptable time frame, some believe that you can talk about your moving and resignation through a simple phone call, email or letter. The best bet is to communicate this information personally to your boss, in a face-to-face conversation.
Be Honest
Do not try to sugarcoat the real reason why you are moving and quitting your job. Being honest might not be the easiest thing, but it is the right thing to do.