Moving Abroad – The Checklist for Your Move From A to Z
Moving abroad is not a decision taken lightly. As exciting as the new adventure is, organizing the move is more complicated. Don’t panic; Homemoverspro is here for you. How about a checklist, so you don’t forget anything? From the administrative steps to preparing an emergency kit, you’ll find everything!
- The months before the move
- 1 month before the D-day
- The weeks before the move
- The big departure, it’s today!
- The steps to start your new life
A few months before the move
We start a few months before; we hope you are ready. There is a lot to do; we know it. That’s why we’re doing this job. Here’s what you need to organize before you move abroad:
2 – 3 months before D-Day
If you are 2 – 3 months away from your move, and you still haven’t started preparing. This is the sign you’ve been waiting for; it’s time to start!
– If you are renting, let your landlord know you are leaving. Do it as soon as possible!
– Read, read and read again about international moving and its organization. Why not start by understanding how the price of moving abroad is calculated?
– Start by looking at the steps you need to take to enter your destination country – it’s a real pain to forget an essential piece of paper.
– Make sure your identity documents are valid and start the renewal process if necessary.
– Get your plane tickets now, don’t forget to apply for a visa if you need one!
– Finding yourself in an emergency after moving abroad is a situation straight out of a nightmare! Remember to take out repatriation insurance, so you don’t take any risks.
– What about the children? You have to start thinking about their schooling. Some institutions require admission tests. It’s better to plan!
– Lists are your friends during the move. Make one of all the things you need to move. Calculate your moving volume to make the next move easier.
Tip! Your volume seems immense, and you don’t know what to get rid of. Start planning the move to your new home, and reduce your volume to what is necessary. You may even be able to get a group move, which is cheaper!
– Request a moving quote. Why should you do this? Compare quotes, and you can save up to 40% on your move abroad.
– You need to start thinking about moving boxes.
1 month before the D-day
At this point, you should already have found your international mover. Scrutinize your moving estimate to avoid any unpleasant surprises; read the reviews left by our readers on homemoverspro.
– Gather all your most important documents: you can put digital copies in a USB key. Now, don’t lose the key!
– Change your tax address; you don’t want to pay two taxes at once?
– If you are moving to spend your retirement abroad, contact your pension fund.
– Inform your bank of your move abroad and ask for advice.
– Remember to apply for an international driver’s license before going abroad.
– Moving abroad without first arranging your health insurance is very risky. It is crucial to think about it in advance!
– You don’t want to lose your mail! Have them forwarded to your new home by the Post Office.
The most important thing has been done, for sure! But don’t forget to do those critical tasks that are all too often forgotten:
– Make sure! What a horrible disappointment to open your boxes and find your items broken. Moving insurance will cost you between 1 and 2% of the value of your belongings.
– Another list? Yes, this time of contracts to cancel:
◦ Water, gas, and electricity
◦ Internet and telephone
◦ Insurance
◦ Car
◦ Consider translating your diplomas – this could be very helpful if you are moving as part of your studies or job search.
◦ You may have a lot of stuff that you’re not going to use before your move; why not start packing it up? And if you’re looking for advice, we’ll pass along our tips on How to Move with Your Boxes.
A few weeks before the move
Congratulations if you’ve survived this far! We know that moving abroad can be very stressful, but you are only a few weeks away.
2 weeks before the move
2 weeks that you won’t feel passing will be hectic. Please take a few moments to relax, it’s important!
– Do a final check to ensure you are up to date with all your vaccinations.
– Prepare a small first aid kit with all the essential medicines. Beware of prohibited medications.
– Start preparing contracts for your new home online – how lucky you are to have the internet!
– Speaking of the internet, you may have the option of opening an online bank account. Find out more about this if you are interested.
– People don’t think to ask about money transfers before moving abroad. And yet, the day the emergency arrives, we panic.
1 week before your move
Last straight line! We reassure you, the worst is over. Here are the last steps to take before your move abroad.
– The last check of all your documents is necessary!
Prepare a cash reserve in the destination country’s currency; it can always be useful.
– Prepare your belongings for D-Day and put them aside.
– Take pictures of your furniture and keep them. In case of breakage, it’s handy to have pictures.
– Number your boxes with a contents label – your future self will thank you!
– This is a good time to empty your fridge and freezer. For the more organized, draw up a weekly menu to avoid waste.
The day before the big departure
You can’t wait to move abroad, but at the same time, you are anxious that everything won’t go as planned. You spend one last night in this apartment before the big departure for your new life. But before that, a few steps to take:
– Go around your home, and make sure you haven’t forgotten anything.
– Pack the essentials you have been using for the past few days.
– Leave a note in the lobby of your building to let your neighbors know you’re moving.
The big move is today!
It’s here! You have been preparing for this day for months. You meet the movers at your home today; here is what you have to do:
– Take inventory of your belongings with the mover and sign the waybill.
– Make a note of the movers’ team’s contact information, and give them your contact information.
The steps to start your new life
It’s done! You have arrived in your new city, your new home. You are there, and your new life starts now!
After moving abroad, once you have received your belongings:
– Check the condition and presence of all your belongings. If everything seems to be in order, sign the delivery note of the bill of lading. Don’t rush this step; take the time to check everything before signing.
– Test the water, gas, and electricity in your new home.
– Don’t forget to register on the electoral list of your consulate.
– If you still haven’t had the opportunity to open a bank account, do it on-site when you arrive.
Your move is finally over, so all you have to do is enjoy it now. Visit, discover, and explore your new home. Don’t forget to tell us about your experience and how our advice has helped you.
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