Moving Tips That’ll Save Your Life (Part 2)

Posted On By Amanda

You probably already know this, but moving is not something you can plan on the spur of the moment. You’re relocating your entire existence! There must be a minimum of preparation, and procrastinating is not an option! Please feel free to use our complete checklist of all the actions involved from our previous post up to here, as this post follows part 1. You can even print it out if you want to make things even easier.

But no matter how hard you try, you can’t seem to find your way around. Follow these additional suggestions to help you see things more clearly:

Tip #8 Thou shalt use cellophane for furniture

Moving furniture with drawers is always an ordeal that can end in breakage. Use cellophane for all your furniture with drawers to keep them closed and stable.

You can even leave small items in them that you are planning to move as well. But be careful! Don’t put valuable or fragile items that could get damaged. You have been warned!

Tip #9 Thou shalt prepare heavy appliances

Heavy appliances weigh a ton, and they always make you sweat during a move. Follow these moving tips to make your job easier:

 – Appliances: empty your appliances of all their accessories, and wrap them in cellophane paper to secure everything. If you can, use adapted boxes to protect the corners!

 – Mattresses: you probably didn’t keep the original mattress cover, but that’s okay! Just use old sheets to protect your mattress from getting dirty on the road.

 – Electronics: for large electronics like your TV, use towels to protect the entire device adequately. And again, original boxes are always better.

Tip #12 Make handles for your boxes

Moving Tips

Cut holes in your moving boxes with a box cutter. By creating these holes, you’ll make transporting the boxes easier. This is indeed a moving tip that may save your back once again!

Tip #11 Dedicate a room for ready boxes

Moving Tips

Choose a room in your home that you will dedicate entirely to moving. All the boxes or other items ready for the move can go there. This moving tip helps you limit the chaos in your home, so don’t hesitate to use it.

Little bonus: Don’t close the boxes for good until the day before your move. You’ll be able to put away the stuff you might have forgotten earlier.

Tip #12 Defrost your fridge

It is a bad idea to leave this step to the last minute! By defrosting your fridge at the last minute, you have to be prepared for your fridge to leak into the moving truck – not a pleasant and unnecessary thing to do during a move.

So here’s the thing: start defrosting your fridge at least 24 hours before D-day.

Tip #13 Thou shalt prepare a survival kit

First of all, congratulations! You are only a few days away from your move. The hardest part is over 🙂 During these last few days, consider preparing a survival kit for the first few days in your new home.

Once your move is complete, you’ll want to rest. Our moving tip allows you to plan everything for the next two days, so you don’t have to do anything. And above all, you won’t have to pack all your boxes and create a mess!

The survival kit

 – Clothes for 2 days

 – A toilet bag and toilet paper

 – Bath towels

 – Some cups and utensils

What’s next?

We hope these 13 moving tips will make your move a little easier. Our goal is to help you smile a little more during this complex project. And we certainly won’t stop there, follow these articles to leave nothing to chance for your move.

Read more:


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