Moving Insurance
Since you will be transporting or having transported all your belongings, it is important to be sure that you are well covered in the event of a loss during a move. To do so:
– Moving insurance allows you to be compensated in the event of a claim with a mover.
– The declaration of value lists your belongings and their values to determine compensation in the event of a claim.
The first moving insurance: the declaration of value
When establishing your moving contract with your mover, you must complete a declaration of value. This estimate of the total amount of your belongings is mandatory.
It makes the mover responsible for your belongings and sets out the terms and conditions for compensation in the event of any damage.
Contractual moving insurance
Removal companies must have taken out basic contractual insurance corresponding to a mandatory minimum guarantee. This will cover the remover in the event of damage resulting from his own responsibility.
However, this insurance does not cover all risks or exceptional damage, such as:
– Customer’s fault (you have badly packed an object that does not resist the move).
– Force majeure (theft of the truck, accident, assault…).
– Defect specific to the good (worm-eaten furniture that does not withstand the transport…).
Subscribe to a removal damage insurance
Moving damage insurance is essential: it covers most of the incidents you may face during a move.
With whom?
It is possible that your “multi-risk home insurance” contract will cover damage in the event of a move. Therefore, don’t forget to inform your insurer, by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, of the date of your move and the address of your new home.
If this is not the case, ask your insurer for an extension of coverage. The mover will also be able to offer it to you.
What coverage?
This additional insurance covers problems not provided for in the declaration of value and will ensure you better compensation. It is therefore complementary insurance that covers all risks.
It will cover damage to all your belongings during the entire moving period. It is the same if the mover is not liable.
In which cases?
The subscription of such insurance is useful in case of:
– very bad weather conditions (frost, snow, ice) which can become exceptional and depend on a force majeure;
– theft committed with violence;
– but also when it guarantees the purchase or market value of the old property and not the replacement value.
Therefore, read your contract carefully, especially what is written in very small print! Terms and conditions may vary from one insurance policy to another. This will avoid many setbacks in the event of a dispute since compensation is assessed based on an obsolescence coefficient.
In all cases, intentional fault or defect specific to the property are not covered by the insurance.
Moving insurance: in summary
Don’t hesitate to ask your mover for the insurance contract. This will allow you to get acquainted with:
– the amount of the refunds in the event of a disaster;
– the general and particular conditions, the guarantees;
– the insurance company.
It is the declaration of value that will determine the price of the insurance. As a result, it is possible for you to be insured only by the contractual responsibility of the removal company or to take out damage insurance to be better compensated in the event of a dispute.
If the mover does not want to compensate you in case of a claim
In case of dispute with your mover:
– Initially, it is preferable to opt for an amicable solution that avoids going to court.
– If this does not succeed, make use of the legal protection subscribed to with your insurer: do not hesitate to declare the dispute. It is your insurer who will take the necessary steps if your guarantee is due.
Please note: in the event of a dispute, a deductible may be required depending on the contract you have taken out.
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