After the move, it’s now time to move into your new home. This stage requires a lot of organization, as you can read from the following posts recently published.
Note: If you wish, we can refer you to one or more moving professionals near you. They will provide you with a personalized estimate.
Moving house: where to start?
The day is far from over, you’ll now have to unload the truck, unpack the many things, put them away, and fatigue builds up! You should keep your calm, be methodical in your approach, and everything should go on smoothly.
Unloading the truck
First of all, check that somebody carefully loaded the moving truck. The furniture that was put away last should be taken out first before unpacking the boxes.
The truck’s parking space must be provided:
– watch the truck during unloading;
– be careful when opening the doors so that objects do not fall out.
Unpacking the belongings
Stick labels on the rooms’ doors to place each case (furniture, boxes, knickknacks…) in the room. Somebody would have also labeled the boxes and crates.
Quickly plan a pleasant room to welcome the people who help you and to be able to recharge your batteries.
Connecting your domestic appliances
Assemble the furniture, shelves, and cupboards first, allowing you to store the boxes’ contents.
Then place the TV, Hi-Fi, video…
Check the electricity and water connections (inlet pipe too short, faulty plug).
Your refrigerator must rest before being reconnected; count one night if you have transported it lying down.
Hang your curtains and drapes quickly enough to make your home a pleasant place to live.
Storing the boxes
You don’t have to spend weeks with the boxes; arrange the boxes’ contents by priority: food, washing, clothing, etc. Trinkets and photo albums can wait.
When unpacking fragile objects, be careful to place them above a bed or a large sofa to prevent them from falling over. Also, remember to open the box in the right direction!
Empty cardboard boxes should not be thrown in the standard dustbins but taken to the rubbish collection center.
The move is almost complete.
It has been a long, challenging, and difficult day. Why not have dinner with friends or family or even better plan an evening out in a restaurant?
Don’t forget to inform your family and friends about your move the next day and don’t forget to deal with all your moving formalities. Also plan to hold a house-warming party by inviting all your friends and those who helped you move!